Weekend Recap (September 2 – 8)


This recap was requested by a few of my readers– I’ll be telling you what went down the past week, in and out of Flip That Page, and give you a sneak peek preview of sorts on what to expect for the week to come. Happy blogging! 🙂



I shared ten of the books I think should be required for reading.

My brother interviewed me for a Day Of Debate special.

I reviewed Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys.

I shared the 7 deadly sins of reading.

I discussed social media and promotion.



I splurged on The National Book Store Sale. While it was probably a wiser move to save my money for the Fair, I don’t think I could have helped myself even if I had the means to (and I didn’t, because temptation is Joseph Morgan half naked).

I completed season 3 for both Teen Wolf and Downton Abbey (part A for the former). I know this isn’t one of the more momentous occasions I’ve decided to feature on my recaps, but you guuuuuys. Both seasons were the bomb diggity. If you haven’t already seen them, I suggest you do so. If you haven’t even seen the entire shows, then realize that we do not lie on the same wavelength, and I’d rather we did. Haha! No, really.

I asked my brother if he’d ever consider co-blogging at Flip That Page. I wasn’t seriously asking this question, because I’m honestly not up to giving part of myself up to someone else, not even someone I trust completely. My brother didn’t say yes to this either– he believes he has neither the time nor the patience for it, and I do agree to being satisfied with how he contributes through our weekly debates. He doesn’t do me that many favors.



Day of Debate: Special Post: I Interview My Brother!

Top Ten Tuesdays: Books I’d Love To See As Movies

Blogger Bites: On International Blogging

Crossover From This Week:

Review of The Woken Gods (Gwenda Bond)

Optional: Feature and Follow / News Post



Alena shares the new HP covers plus an inspiring quote.

Amy asks us about plotting when writing.

Anya asks us about trading ARCs.

Arial discusses instalove.

Ashtyn rants about how Hollywood doesn’t read books they adapt.

Asti shares her new schedule with us.

Asti also shares her original “Bookish Games” idea.

Charlotte discusses book boyfriends.

Chiara shares her experiences while on vacation.

Christy asks us how we blog.

Erin tells us why she’s afraid rereading books.

Eve shares her new name and blog design!

Genevieve discusses feminism and YA movies.

Kayla talks about five star ratings and the love they show.

Kelly asks us if we read the acknowledgments page.

Kezia talks about taking a peek at endings.

Kim asks us about internal versus external characterization in books.

Meg discusses choosing quotes for reviews.

Nara quizzes us about the last names of book characters.

Nuzaifa discusses the pros and cons of co-blogging.

Paola shares some suggestions for dealing with getting stuck with series.

Reem explains why you should listen to music while reading.

Sandra shares some thoughts on characteristics of YA heroines that she likes.

Shannelle shares her smiley satisfaction ratio for various blog posts.

Shannelle also wonders what its like to quit blogging.

designAnd that’s it for this week! If I missed anything else, please don’t hesitate to tell me 🙂

P.S. Please pardon me as I tend to go missing in action without prior warning– school has been getting in the way, so it’s been a challenge to find myself time for the blog. But I’ll keep trying, no worries!


21 thoughts on “Weekend Recap (September 2 – 8)

  1. You’ll get some money back until the fair I’m sure. And nobody, repeat nobody, should restrain themselves when it comes to book store sales :p And I want to watch some kind od a tv show but I never can keep to it and I give up.
    Thank you for the linking! x

    • HAHA I hope so! 😀 And yeah, I don’t think I regret not holding back during the sale 🙂 Aww TV shows are good, especially the more recent ones. I’d definitely recommend the ones I watch, if you can get to finish them. You’re very welcome too!

  2. Thanks for mentioning my post, Jasmine! And ooh, that book sale sounds awesome. I went to one earlier this year and there were all sorts of great bargains, so I know what it’s like to be uncontrollable. Really. The problems us bookworms face. You’re definitely not alone with school, too! I’m just drowning in homework. I swear, sometimes school lives to choke the living daylights out of its students. Hopefully this week won’t be too stressful for you, though!

    • You’re welcome Meggy! 🙂 And YES I love sales!! It’s the first one I’ve really actually splurged on, and I think that’s because I started blogging and had to up my pile up a notch (even if it’s already gargantuan). And yes, school can get stressful, and not even simply sometimes D: But yeah, I’m having a pretty chill week, and I hope I get through it unharmed!

  3. Dang I am so behind on Downton Abbey. I only started it recently and have literally watched only 2 episodes. I HAS NO TIME TO WATCH IT DAMN UNI!
    I really need to start Teen Wolf as well. So many people rave about it haha

    • But I hope you like those eps you have watched! It was a bit slow paced at first, so that might need a bit of patience, but DAMN does it get exciting! And Teen Wolf is no different. The seasons get better from first to third, so color me enthusiastic 😉 You MUST watch.

  4. Eeeep I can’t wait for your brother’s interview! Haha, he seems funny when I read your interview xD I have always wanted a big brother, sadly I am the first child so that’s absolutely impossible lol. I guess you’re lucky! And I’m also looking forward to your thoughts on international blogging. I have a feeling that I could relate to your post at some point…I live in Indonesia btw! 😀

    AHHH now I’m wondering when there will be any book sales in my town! I hope you’ll do well at school! I know how important it so I definitely understand if it’s your first priority now 🙂 GOOD LUCK *tackles hug*

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