What Type Of Blogger Are You?


This is admittedly a product of my boredom, although I did invest much time and thought into this post. I’ve also been wondering for a long time– what are the different types of bloggers we encounter on a day to day basis? Have you given much thought on what type of blogger you are? We vary in terms of our content and interests, and so do our blogs, where our personalities shine through.

As such, I made a quiz of sorts for you guys to figure out where you belong! There are 5 statements for each, and you can score yourselves based on how many per header you can relate to. Afterwards, you can tell me how you’ve figured!


1. Your archive is your best friend.

2. You review every single book you read, immediately after you’ve read them.

3. You organize your thoughts and divide you reviews into sub categories.

4. You fangirl or fanboy while simultaneously critiquing. You regret nothing.

5. Your rating system is intricate and detailed.


1. You participate in Stacking The Shelves, or other memes of a similar variety.

2. You never walk out of a book store empty handed.

3. You ignore the cries of your wallet, and never miss out on Book Sales.

4. Your book hauls generate the most views because they are To. Die. For.

5. You were out shopping for books on Amazon, Fullybooked (et cetera, et cetera, you’re everywhere). And just like, five seconds ago.


1. Your discussion posts are your babies.

2. You always seem to have something important and deep-seated to say.

3. You leave mini-essays on comment boxes.

4. You love initiating meaningful conversation with people from around the blogosphere.

5. You consider yourself immensely opinionated and you love to engage in friendly debate.


1. You’ve attended every single bookish event the world (or your country, at least) has to offer.

2. You’ve taken photos with numerous authors, at least without passing out, completely starstruck.

3. You collect swag and signed copies of books.

4. You are perpetually on Twitter.

5. You reply to your comments, and return visit if you can help it.


1. You host giveaways once in a while.

2. You never try to rectify statements you disagree with.

3. You don’t comment on negative reviews of books you like, or positive reviews of books you found disgusting.

4. You plaster a smile onto your face during blogger forums or meetups.

5. You live for the advancement of society.



Where do I fit in?

The Reviewer: 4/5

The Collector: 1/5

The Philosopher: 5/5

The Socialite: 2/5

The Nice Guy: 2/5

I guess it’s safe to say, I’m both a Reviewer and a Philosopher! I’m pretty cool with that 😉


Now it’s your turn! What type of blogger are you? Are you a combination of two or more like I am? Do you think there are other blogger types I may have missed? Comment, and  make my day! (And share your results with me, too!)


62 thoughts on “What Type Of Blogger Are You?

  1. I think I’m a little bit of the philosopher. I don’t really have the time to give mini-essays to people (I wish I had the time!), but I do love coming up with discussion posts. And I love meaningful conversations, anytime, anywhere. Now all this needs is the lazy blogger.

    • Ahh. You’re right about the lazy blogger. But wouldn’t it feel so sad if you were!! I’d feel like I’m making no progress if I got categorized under that XD And yeah, I love your discussion posts 🙂

  2. Well I got The Reviewer 1/5, The Collector 3/5, The Philosopher 1/5, The Socialite 2/5, The Nice Guy 1/5 (hahahaha).
    So I guess I’d be “The Collector”? And yeah, I probably agree with that. I do buy a lot of books. My parents always have the “again?” look when I ask them for book buying money 😛

    • I see! I don’t think I have the means to be a Collector, so XD My parents would FLIP if they see me splurge on books in succession. Ha! But still. I can totally relate, since I’ve started buying more books than I used to before blogging 🙂

  3. Hmmm I’m 1.5/5 Reviewer, 3/5 Collector, 4/5 Philosopher, 2/5 Socialite and 2/5 Nice Guy so I guess I’m more of a Philosopher haha 🙂 This was very fun to do! Thanks so much for coming up with this Jasmine 😀

    • YAY for Philosophers!! I think most of the people I know will come up with this. Just a feeling XD But hey, I liked that you found this fun! You’re welcome, and thank you too for sharing that 😉

  4. Tried to rate myself: couldn’t. I guess I am a little bit of everything 😀
    I always review a book straight after I finish it, I never walk out of a store that sells books without a book, my discussion pots are my babies, I always reply to comments, and I don’t really like commenting on negative reviews of books I love because I know that the reviewer won’t understand my love, haha.
    This was fun, Jasmine 😀

  5. Seems I’m mostly a reviewer with some nice guy thrown in. I’m not much of a collector – I tend to want to read all the books I own first instead of piling more unread ones on top of them. It’s interesting to see the different kind of bloggers out there (:

  6. I would say

    The Reviewer: 4/5
    The Collector: 4/5 (to the best of my budget)
    The Philosopher: 2/5
    The Socialite: 2/5
    The Nice Guy: 1/5

    Reviewer and Collector it is!
    Great post 🙂

  7. Reviewer: 1/5 – I post one review a week, and, I’m afraid, my organisational skills are severely lacking. Viva chaos!

    Collector: 2/5 – I’ve stopped doing haul posts, but I still buy books, a lot 🙂

    Philosopher: 4/5 – I do ❤ my discussion posts and other features (which I have waaay too many of)

    Socialite: 2/5 – I wish….I think I'd make a fine socialite 😉 But there are no author events or book signings here. I do reply to comments as well as return them though, so hope is not lost yet 🙂 And Twitter is great.

    The Nice Guy: 1/5 – I'm more of a honest girl 😉

    Thanks! This was FUN!

    • I post around one a week too, two if I can help it XD But yeah viva chaos!! I do buy a lot of books, but I’m not much of a collector either 🙂 And you can never have way too many discussions and features. I love those! HAHAHA yeah, I guess sometimes the Socialite depends on the authors who actually come to you *sigh* I’d like to think I’m nice, but I’m way too opinionated and honest, yeah! So Philosopher then! YAY for similarities 😀 And you’re welcome, thanks as well for sharing 😉

  8. Okay, well all my friends say I’m nice, but according to this I’m not a nice guy – I’m way too honest for that! But I am a little bit of everything else. I love to leave mini-essays in comment boxes, I love to review books after I’ve read them (90% of what I read gets reviewed) and I’m quite capable of splurging on books when what I should be spending my money on is food. So that’s me. I’m pretty well rounded. That’s good right? You didn’t say… Lol.

  9. I got 1 or 2 for most of them, so I guess I fall somewhere in the category of the Review and the Nice Guy. Yeah, I gotta plaster on a smile even it’s really awkward or if someone’s rude to me. I wish I was a Philosopher though! Discussions are too boring with just myself because idk.. I’m just awkward 😉

    • HAHA you’re unique 😀 And me too! With people I’ve just met, I have to smile like I live for it :O I am such an awkward potato, but hey it’s good that somehow you are too! YAY for awkward XD Discussion posts are fun with or without another person. But you can always try guest posts 🙂

  10. Oh, I love this! Very clever ;P

    The Reviewer: 1/5
    I don’t review every book I read. Then I’ll have way too many reviews. Besides, I always struggle when I’m writing them……. D:

    The Collector: 1/5
    I can’t walk into a bookstore and walk away without buying at least one book. Or a bookmark. Or SOMETHING.

    The Philosopher: 3/5
    I don’t consider myself “immensely opinionated” but you name it, I’ll probably have something to say about it, haha 😀 And I love engaging in conversations with others, as long as they’re friendly. When someone gets too defensive or offensive, I get angry, things get ugly……………… yeah. : D

    The Socialite: 1/5
    I always try to return comments, but sometimes I forget. But I do reply to all the comments people leave me.

    The Nice Guy: 0/5
    Oops. If I see a negative review of a book I like, I’ll never comment and start an argument. It’s just plain stupid. But if the other person is acting childish, they shouldn’t expect me to be Mother Theresa. I get irritated easily.

    • HAHA thank you!! Hmm… I think you’re more of the Philosopher 😀 HAHA I can only read so much during a given period of time, around 1-2 books a week, and that’s usually how much I’m expecting to post reviews 🙂 And HAHA me too! Bookmarks not so much, but books, totally. I love engaging in deep conversation, and yeah, as you may have already noticed, sometimes things get a little crazy when my brother and I are in heated debate XD And I love your discussions! So unique 🙂 And me too. I easily forget to return visit, but I reply to every single comment! And HAHA yeah I know. I don’t try to play nice guy a lot, if it isn’t me anymore XD Thanks for sharing Eve!!

  11. This is really fun, I love it! I would definitely say I’m a Reviewer/Philosopher too, with the excepting of #2…I love to think that I have something intelligent and deep to say, but for all I know everyone else might think I’m rambling like an idiot 🙂

    New bloglovin follower!

    • HAHAHA yay for our similarities! 🙂 And oh, everyone thinks they’re rambling, but really. I feel proud of myself after an exceptional and deep conversation. HAHA! Thank you for the follow ❤

  12. How did I not come across this earlier? Because I’ve been a crappy commenter, that’s why. Guess that eliminates my chances of being a Nice Guy? I like to think I’m a philosopher through and through. I was just checking out my archive today, and I noticed my discussion posts outnumber by reviews 2:1. That’s weird. But I love discussion posts. Whenever I get an idea, I make a draft out of it, and leave it. Jusssstt like raising a baby, I would say.

    Don’t ever mention I said that. Ever.

    Awesome post, though.

    • HAHA! Well that’s okay 😉 at least you’re entertaining HAHAHA Ohhhh and I think my discussion posts are more than my reviews too! Or around the same? I just love making them. But I’d rather not use the baby metaphor for this XD sorry, cannot unremember. And thanks Reem!

  13. Definitely a combo for me… Reviewer/Collector/Nice Gal 😉 We need to add giveaway obsessive to a list >.> Since I collect books but then I give them away!

    • HAHAHA you’re a Divergent! XD that is so cool! And oh yeahhh them giveaway peeps. But I think that comes with being a collector 🙂 so yeah you’re definitely a well rounded blogger 😉

  14. I’m an even mix of the reviewer and the socialite. I don’t visit book events that often, but I’m forever on twitter and commenting on blogs, and I do think I take more care of my reviews than any other type of post. What a great idea! Thanks for coming up with it and sharing. 🙂

    • Nice! I don’t visit book events either, because I’m busy in real life, but yeah, twitter is definitely new haven too! 🙂 and I like to keep my reviews well thought out as well. We’re on the same boat then 😀 and thank you! You’re welcome as well. Glad you liked it 😉

  15. Definitely a Reviewer! (And mostly Nice Guy)

    Reviewer: 5/5
    Collector: 1/5
    Philosopher: 2/5
    Socialite: 1/5
    Nice Guy: 3/5

    I would love to be more social, but I’m a shy person and honestly just don’t have enough time to go to ALL the blogs I follow every day and spend all my time on Twitter. I’m trying to be better, though, because I do love engaging with other bloggers/readers!

    • YAY for reviewer! I’m not that social either, but I’d love to be someday. HAHA maybe when I have more time 🙂 and it’s okay about not getting to visit blogs often. As long as your presence is still there outside of your own blog 😀 thanks for stopping by and sharing!

  16. This was fun! I’m a little bit of everything! I’m 2/5 Reviewer, 2/5 Collector, 2/5 Philosopher, 2/5 Socialite, 3/5 Nice Gal. LOL so Nice Gal won out by 1 point but I guess I’m pretty evenly divided!

  17. I feel like I’m somewhere in between a collector, philosopher and nice guy. Haha, I can’t choose but I’d say a collector more. Even when I SWEAR I’m not going to buy any more books, somehow new books always find their way onto my shelves…
    Great post!

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