Feature and Follow Fridays (10)


This is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read 🙂

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What are some of your favorite magazines?

I used to read a lot of magazines, before the content became repetitive. However, I still do find heaps of pleasure in reading fashion magazines for teens and women both, because I revel in a good outfit. I never really get to order any of the items from the magazines as they are, because they usually require a four-digit stash, in dollars. Either way, one can always settle for a more pocket friendly version, without compromising the style and quality of course 🙂


P.S. I was supposed to feature a few interior design mags, because I LOVE those– however, most of what I read are local titles, which is understandably unfamiliar to a widely international audience.

And that ends this feature! Thanks for stopping by~



Feature and Follow Fridays (9)


This is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read 🙂

Follow this blog via email, bloglovin’, twitter, all of the above, or using your WordPress account, if you have one! 🙂


It is up to you to create a Kickstarter for your favorite book! Who are you casting as the main characters?

I think I’ve sounded enough like a broken record to feature The Clockwork Princess yet again, so for this feature, I’ll have to go with a series not necessarily my favorite, but one I adore completely! Rick Riordan’s The Heroes of Olympus has been a dream come true for a Percy Jackson-filled childhood, as was mine, so I decided to create a dream cast for this one, featuring the seven demigods of the prophecy (5, essentially, since Logan and Alexandra do Percy and Annabeth justice, even if the movies don’t). So here it is! Forgive me if you don’t find them that attractive, but the characters weren’t that striking either (except maybe for Jason).

Callan McAuliffe as Jason Grace

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Oh my glob. Callan is easily one of the most gorgeous, charismatic guys to walk this planet. I am aware of the fact that Jason’s blonde, but I’ve seen Callan’s hair dyed in that color (refer to Flipped, 2010, and prepare to BAWL) so trust me. He will make the perfect Jason, if I get past the fact that the character himself was an attractive brick wall.


Kaya Scodelario as Piper McLean

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Well, come on. She’s beautiful! Piper is too, and I think that Kaya can naturally strike a balance between boyish spunk and gentle beauty. She can pull this off, I know it.


Charlie Rowe as Leo Valdez

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I haven’t seen Charlie around much lately, and I’ve honestly been missing him– and that’s probably why he popped straightaway into my head at the thought of a cast call for Leo. Charlie’s got that enthusiastic, impish face, the same build, and much the same attitude. He’s meant for that role, I can feel it.


Nathan Kress as Frank Zhang

nathan fanpop

Hmmm. Well I’m not entirely sold on this one, but Chinese-Canadian doesn’t happen all too often. Besides, he’s got a babyish face and a cutesy appeal, so this choice is none too shabby (I can’t even believe he’s already twenty).


Zendaya Coleman as Hazel Levesque

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Zendaya is a young, fresh face, and a talented actress at that. I don’t see her much around outside of Shake It Up, but I’ve seen enough of her to know that she can pull pretty much anything off. She usually portrays fun and mischievous, but it would be nice to see clever and secretive, for a change!
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And that ends this feature! Thanks for stopping by~



Feature and Follow Fridays (8)


This is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read 🙂

Follow this blog via email, bloglovin’, twitter, all of the above, or using your WordPress account, if you have one! 🙂


Create a list for the imaginary English Lit class you’ll be teaching this semester.

Because I adore classics, I’ll have to go with

Pride and Prejudice / Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen)

Jane Austen

And since my love for mythology has been fully realized, I’ll add

The Iliad / The Odyssey (Homer)


I’ll mix in a little Shakespeare; everyone needs laughter and heartbreak, once in a while 😀

Romeo & Juliet / Much Ado About Nothing (William Shakespeare)

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And that ends this feature! Thanks for stopping by~

