The Hunger Games Survey: Panem Favorites


Many of you know I’m a quiz-loving person, so for this month (and the next, though I will try to come up with a new one before the year ends), I came up with a Hunger Games-based survey, in conjunction with the critically acclaimed movie for the THG sequel, Catching Fire, a blockbuster hit just recently released. 

So how does it work? Basically, it’s a survey of sorts, where for the first half, I list down various regions of Panem (comprised of the Capitol + the 12 known Districts), and you answer with the title of a bookish favorite that relates to the region’s industry. For the second half, I list down notable characters from the series and you answer me with a character favorite that relates to their distinguishing characteristics. If you wish to use any of the given THG personalities as answers, feel free to do so (I did much the same thing). Instead of just commenting your results below, I’d love to see you create your own post! Feel free to grab the banner if you do so wish. Of course, this activity is not exclusive to fanatics–every book lover is welcome to join in! Even if you don’t want to create your own post, do share some of your picks with me. And in the case that you do, I’d love to see a comment-link to your post on it 😀

Before anything else though, you may be wondering where this came from and why I decided to do this. That’s a long story, but I’ll try to explain it coherently. Well, basically…

I got bored. And so it begins.



District 1

Industry: Luxury Items

Favorite book involving royalty: The Iron King (Julie Kagawa). I loved how this series went! I wasn’t the biggest fan of the plot, but the characters were vibrant and the conclusion was stunning. Ash was still the best part, though.

District 2

Industry: Masonry and Weapons

Favorite book on war: The Book Thief (Markus Zusak). I used to think I wouldn’t appreciate this one because I’m not into books on war, but guess what? I got depressed, and I didn’t feel like doing anything apart from stare at the bedroom ceiling and mentally reprobate myself for being an ingrate–and I loved it.

District 3

Industry: Electronics and Technology

Favorite science fiction book: Cinder (Marissa Meyer). Despite the fact that Cyborgs are over-used (at least in my humble opinion), I still loved how the idea of them was made to contravene with the retelling of a classic, and the raw emotion in this book was overwhelming beyond expression.

District 4

Industry: Fishing

Favorite beach read (however you define one!): Lola and the Boy Next Door (Stephanie Perkins). This book wasn’t exactly set anywhere near a known body of water, although it did seem like the perfect summer read—which in my book, corresponds to a beach read, too!

District 5

Industry: Power

Favorite book involving superhuman / supernatural characters: Vampire Academy (Richelle Mead). Though I am at odds with the fact that this book is soon to become a major motion picture, I do still believe that Vampire Academy is the single most riveting and exciting paranormal read by far.

District 6

Industry: Transportation and Healing

Favorite road-trip / self-discovery book: Amy And Roger’s Epic Detour (Morgan Matson). I haven’t read that many of these, and honestly, this one was the only one I liked even remotely, and I loved how the buildup to Amy and Roger’s relationship progressed in delicious gradation.

District 7

Industry: Lumber and Wood

Favorite book with a wilderness / dystopian setting: Unravel Me (Tahereh Mafi). A heroic protagonist, a gorgeous love interest (or two), a plot of revenge and redemption, a plentiful count of amazing characters, and a unique writing style to capture each heavy emotion. What more could you ask for? Oh right. THE GODDAMNED FINALE.

District 8

Industry: Fabrics and Textiles

Favorite book cover: The One (Kiera Cass). Is it just me, or does America’s gown, in conjunction with her previous cover outfits, complete the color scheme known to comprise the representative flag of the country she was named after (red, blue and white)? Pretty darn clever, if you ask me!

District 9

Industry: Grain

Favorite under-hyped book: Ignite (Erica Crouch). Pen and Azael, you guys. MICHAEL! You do NOT want to miss out on such a stunning title. I cannot tell you enough how much love was in the air after I read it.

District 10

Industry: Livestock

Favorite book involving animals (werewolves and shapeshifters count!): Daughter Of Smoke And Bone (Laini Taylor). I recently reread this one, and am appalled at how little credit I’ve been giving this one since last I tore through the pages. Rekindling a fondness for Akiva was definitely worth the sleepless night.

District 11

Industry: Farming and Agriculture

Favorite fictional setting: Camp Half-Blood from The Heroes of Olympus (Rick Riordan). The sense of support and camaraderie in this place is overwhelming. Monster Fighting lessons aside, there’s little I wouldn’t give to be a part of this world. And to meet the Seven of Prophecy!

District 12

Industry: Coal Mining

Rock solid favorite (from concluded series): Clockwork Princess (Cassandra Clare). This remains my 2013 favorite, and despite the fact that most people seem to the think the conclusion was a little too convenient, I cannot be swayed from the opinion that the book was beautiful beyond comparison.

The Capitol

Central seat of government

Favorite book with a political agenda: Divergent (Veronica Roth). Now I don’t usually go for broke and read books that tackle these heavy issues, and admittedly, I have little interest in public affairs—however, I appreciated the idea of the rift formed by the various faction, and was held in complete fascination by the ruminations of the scheming Erudite. Three cheers for much suspense!



District 1: Cashmere and Gloss

Favorite fictional siblings: Fred And George Weasley (Harry Potter). I adore this duo! Despite their troublemaking, they know when their help is wanted, especially if one is in dire need of some quick fix humor. Definitely sold to the win action. Oh and by the way, I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

District 2: Cato

Favorite bad-boy character: Aaron Warner (Shatter Me). HOLY GUACAMOLE. You guys, this post has spurred my anticipation for Ignite Me anew. Cannot wait for some more Warner action hopefully in Juliet’s room, clothes free.

District 3: Beetee and Wiress

Favorite genius / geeky character: Cricket Bell (Lola and the Boy Next Door).  A gorgeous love interest and a prodigy to boot. What else is there to ask for? Great sense of humor, loyalty, and a penchant for good fashion? Oh wait, Cricket has those too.

District 4: Finnick Odair

Favorite swoon-worthy hero: Akiva (Daughter of Smoke and Bone). Those eyes, you guys. Those eyes. They could pierce through my soul and tear my heart into smithereens. I swoon and I shall never recover.

District 5: Foxface

Favorite mysterious character: Evan Walker (The 5th Wave). He was the epitome of enigma for most of the book, and even then he managed to crawl straight into my warring heart.

District 6: The Morphlings

Favorite secondary character: Adrian Ivashkov (Vampire Academy). His antics never fail to put a smile on my face, and he is the constant reminder of why I love Mead’s writing this much in the first place. Thank goodness for Bloodlines. An extra Adrian serving is perpetually welcome.

District 7: Johanna Mason

Favorite female character: Blue Sargent (The Raven Cycle). Despite the fact that she seemed to have taken a liking to the wrong Raven Boy, I completely adored her nuances, and her personality in general. I expected her to regress in The Dream Thieves for some reason, and thanks to my lucky stars, she hasn’t. Now if only Adam could stop waging a war with himself too often…

District 11: Rue

Favorite fictional kid: George Garrett (My Life Next Door). In diapers, and already he’s going for marriage proposals. And he’s a smart, trivia-loving kid too! Cutie patootie to the extremes.

District 12: Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen

Favorite fictional couple: Leo Valdez and You Know Who (The Heroes of Olympus). And no, this isn’t about Voldemort. I just wanted to avoid a spoiler alert, at all costs, so if you haven’t read The House of Hades, fear not because I have taken the extra measure! If you have, however… SQUEEEEEE! That particular collection of Leo chapters was by far the best of them in that book. I can’t wait for them to meet once again (and if Leo dies in the process, some serious shit will be flipped. You’re welcome).

The Capitol: President Snow

Favorite villain (to kill): President Snow (The Hunger Games).  I find no need to stray farther from example: President Snow, in my opinion, is the epitome of malevolence and abomination– I feel like sucker-punching him every time he opens his godforsaken mouth. Oh thank goodness for a rebellion spurred. GO EVERLARK!!


And that’s it for this feature. Now it’s your turn! comment some of your links and your answers to make my day, and join in the fun, because you know you want to 😉

And now a Sam Claflin collage for motivation.


See you next time! Hope you have fun 🙂


28 thoughts on “The Hunger Games Survey: Panem Favorites

  1. You do know how to motivate me! 😉
    Honestly, you make the best bookish surveys! I was about to do the Harry Potter one and now I’ll be doing this next month! I am curious as to who Leo ends up with. So curious…..
    I havent read many of these so I have to get on to them. Till then, may the odds be ever in your favour! And keep being innovative! 😀

  2. Well, if a Jasmine quiz wasn’t enough to get me hooked, that Sam Claflin collage sure did! I’m SO excited to do this, especially since I’m running low on post ideas for my blog!

    I’m so with you on the Weasley twins! Honestly, I don’t think any other set of twins could be as great as they are.

    • HAHA well I AM glad there was that collage to salvage me some participants if I happened to have bored anyone out XD But YAY thanks for that, and I’m glad to have contributed to a post idea 😀 Hope you get your creative juices flowing soon though 🙂 and a big YES to those Weasley twins! They deserve all the love in this world D:

  3. Ahhh this is such a fun idea! I haven’t read all of these books so I can’t comment on all of your choices, but I loved reading about them! I totally have to agree with Fred & George Weasley as best fictional siblings. I mean, who else could you possibly choose?!

  4. Hot damn. I am definitely motivated now!

    I love all your surveys Jasmine – they’re so much fun to do! I’ll be bookmarking so I don’t forget it and fill it out when I get the time 😉

  5. Ahh I’m still stuck on the Harry Potter one. I just posted part 2 for me yesterday! You should definitely come check it out. Now I need to start working on the Hunger Games one too >__< I really love your surveys, Jasmine! They're so fun to do and it's so cute as well 🙂 Can't wait to see what survey is coming our way for January..

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