Top Ten Tuesdays: What Makes Blogging Easier


This is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke And The Bookish ๐Ÿ™‚

Admittedly, I never attempt to envisage blogging in any easy light. Yes, it’s enjoyable, and yes it’s rewarding, but inasmuch as I believe in the philosophy that there is no such thing as free lunch, the perks of blogging come not without a price. Fortunately, there are various tools and strategies that aid in our timeless pursuit of knowledge, and with regards, here I am to present my own! I do hope this helps, in any way, in case you’re not familiar with some of them.

And in case you live in the Philippines like I do, where vicious storms are brewing, remember to stay safe! Have a great day, everyone ๐Ÿ™‚




1. Scheduling Future Posts

I don’t think I’m incumbent enough to actually pre-write my posts weeks or days in advanced, because I have an obsessive compulsive desideratum to have all my posts published immediately, and heaven only knows why. However, I do like scheduling future posts, as this gives me a fixed idea on what I’m next supposed to be writing about. Sometimes it’s disparaging and conceivably unnecessary, especially if you’re indecisive or tend to change your mind, though I’m neither of the two, and it works in my favor to organize myself in this way.

2. Building A Blog Roll

I know a lot of bloggers are apprehensive of this idea, because of the potential to hurt other people excluded from such a list, intentionally or otherwise. However, I do put a disclaimer at the very beginning, to clarify misconceptions regarding the fact that I’m not restricting myself to the Blog Roll. However, I do have an extensive list, and it’s admittedly a hassle to put together, but of course, it makes it a whole lot easier for me to visit and promote the blogs I love, as well as find links to the pages I use for my recaps. In that way, it is well worth the effort.

3. Making Early Drafts

Regardless of my mother’s assertions, I am not a huge fan of procrastination. In fact, I enjoy being able to draft many of my posts, before carrying them over to WordPress. I’m very meticulous when it comes to perfecting my posts, so I try as much as possible not to publish anything below par.

4. Making An Index of Posts

I find this quite an effective way of giving readers easy access to earlier posts, since I don’t find myself believing that many of them (of you) are willing to endlessly scroll through my homepage. Creating a page that serves as an index of sorts promotes much of the content on my blog, and gives readers an opportunity to view content they may have missed, and not wanting to.



5. Bloglovin’

Before I decided to make use of Bloglovin’, I had a hard time subscribing to other blogs, and gaining followers for my own. I had to enter my email address and decipher text– which, as it is, is a security measure I try hard, and fail, not to disapprove of. Likewise, I believed many others didn’t believe in the convenience of an email newsletter, so discovering the amenity that is Bloglovin’ may well have been the most contemplative and well-informed choice I have decided to make thus far. It makes it so much the easier for me to receive feeds from other blogs and mark them, as well as give access to others who want to reach out to mine.

6. Twitter

I usually advertise my posts on Twitter, and most providentially, note a significant influx of views whenever I do. Furthermore, I enjoy being able to talk to other bloggers who have something to say, bookish or otherwise, and my conversations with them have so far been engaging. I enjoy, more than anything else, being able to make friends, and Twitter takes the cake when it comes to granting me that source of joy and satisfaction.

7. Microsoft One Note

I only found out about this tool when I stopped by to read Asti’s post regarding it, and so far, it’s proved quite commodious. It’s user-friendly and saves automatically, so I never have to worry about losing content. It’s a great way to keep track of ARC review deadlines, discussion posts for Weekly Recaps, new ideas for discussion and debate posts, books on the TBR pile, et cetera. Moreover, people can build their own calendars to schedule posts and various other whatsits, although I choose not to make use of this because I am capable of manual appointing.

8. Microsoft Powerpoint

I use this occasionally to create images for memes, banners for pictures, and just about anything else I need coordinated with my color scheme. I’m well aware of the fact that it’s a pretty low tech strategy, but I find it straightforward and no pushover so I’m not complaining.

9. Picmonkey

Let me just admit it– I am foreign to Photoshop. Lame, shameful, I know. People have been telling me that Photoshop is pretty elementary, but I never seem to have the patience for exploring it, so I stick to the things I do know, Picmonkey being one of them. There are certain drawbacks to this however– for instance, the overlays are limited, and you’re only allowed to resize the images proportionately. However, the designs look pretty to me, and it’s easy to maneuver. As such, I have no need for creating intricate decorations, so in the meantime this proves more than efficient.

10. Gmail

Now I know I just indirectly dissed Gmail’s functionality in terms of feeds, although I do find this practical when it comes to reaching out to authors, and publishers, and aiding in all sorts of professional exchange. The new layout also helps sorts my inbox into promotions, primary emails, and social content, which I find helpful when I’m searching my mail. I don’t think anyone would survive without an account, really. And if ever they do they deserve to be lauded.


So what do you think? If you have any opinions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to comment and tell me!


47 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesdays: What Makes Blogging Easier

  1. I absolutely love scheduling posts! I HAVE to have things scheduled a week ahead or else I’d have a mental breakdown. On the down side, I’m also a master at procrastination. I’m not sure those two traits of mine go well together. Three things that help me as a blogger is iCal, Goodreads, and Evernote. Those things keep me organized and keeps me from having headaches! I love to be organized when it comes to blogging ๐Ÿ™‚ Great post, Jasmine! I’m sure you can learn to use photoshop some day and make your blog prettier than it is now!

    • HAHA yes me too– I would totally forget what I’d have to do if I didn’t schedule. My brain would be a jumbled mess! I don’t procrastinate when it’s not school. HAHA if I did, my life would be so much the harder XD Aww I love Evernote! I TOTALLY forgot to put that D: Yeah I should learn Photoshop! But I’m proud of myself actually. At least I can prettify my blog without it somehow ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for stopping by Ariella ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Good selections! I like your idea of the index tab–so smart, and do you mind if I steal that idea ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t have a big readership partly because I am an eclectic blog, not just one genre, so this would help out. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You mentioned twitter and I tend to favor tumblr, but that’s because I already have a following there and it is easer to promote. I also use it to follow authors on there. I tried making drafts outside of wordpress and the structure changes and its annoying so I just create drafts on wordpress and push the “save draft” button a gazillion times. lol

    • Thank you! And Bloglovin’ is a life saver when it comes to following other blogs (and getting follows too!) It’s stalker friendly (HAHA), and real easy to mark which posts you have and haven’t read ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’m terrible at making lists and scheduling – I’ve made schedules before, but I never stick to them. I just can’t. I like to rebel against myself : D

    I’ve never heard of Picmonkey until now… although Photoshop is not that hard (: It doesn’t take more than an hour to get familiar with it and it’s even easier if there is someone to show you. You can download all kinds of different free brushes and patterns and fonts from the Internet.

    • HAHA is that so? I used to never be able to stick to schedules, but now that I can its been quite helpful ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, I think I really want to learn Photoshop. It gives you more freedom I think! But PicMonkey’s handy in it’s own way ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Hahaha. That comment about your mom. Drafting ahead of time helps me sooo much too. I usually only do rough drafts for reviews and discussions, but it’s wonderful. I often draft, break, edit, break, revise, break, read over, post. Like that. It’s actually sort of time consuming, but whatever. Hah.

    • I draft a lot of my reviews and other posts! It helps to be able to make sure you’re posting the right stuff in the best way ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t mind that it’s time consuming. Drafts are something I enjoy wasting time on, I think! ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!

      • Learning Photoshop would be so neat! I see all the really nice looking graphics on tumblr that everyone has done using Photoshop, and I’d love to eventually be that good. Thanks! I made it in Microsoft Word, haha. I love your new background, it’s so pretty and bright! : )

      • Yeah, me too ๐Ÿ™‚ I always did dream of being some sort of creative person. And it’s so cool that we have the same thoughts on it. Great minds think alike ๐Ÿ˜‰ And really? WOW that seems pro. And thanks! I am SO glad you guys like it โค โค โค

      • There are so many neat Photoshop tutorials online, so I’d imagine that they could teach you just about anything. Yay, I’m glad you think so! I just downloaded a few fonts and put them together in Word, so I’m really glad that it doesn’t look like a five minute effort, haha. It’s so pretty, and your new header is lovely too! : )

  6. I love scheduling posts even though I often find it hard to stick to it! I don’t put reviews on my schedule even though when everything else goes up is dependant on reviews! Obviously I have a few kinks to work out.

    Bloglovin! I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it. It is incredibly helpful when it comes to organizing my blogs but I find it has a tendency to skip posts! Which annoys me to no end but unfortunately, I haven’t found an alternative that even matches Bloglovin’s standard.

    • HAHA is that so? I promise you it’s so much more fulfilling if you do get to stick to it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh really? I never knew it skipped posts! D: That’s sad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ People have been recommending Feedly, but I’d have to work on figuring it out first. But yes, Bloglovin’ is SO convenient at the moment. Thanks for stopping by Annie!

  7. Yes to your strategies 1-5! The only one I sort of don’t do is the index. I mean, I have indexes for every post I make in OneNote, but don’t really list them on my blog. You can click through each feature in my header to be taken to the posts that fit under them, but I don’t have list them because it seems like more work to remember to update it. >< I'm so lazy sometimes.

    And yay for the OneNote love! I've had a handful of people tell me how much they enjoy checking out that program after reading my post and that makes it so worth it. I'm so happy to spread the organizational love!

    And ooh, PowerPoint for images? I never would have thought to use that. I honestly mainly stick with the basic Paint program on my laptop, but I do have Photoshop on here and use it sometimes as well (I just find it overwhelming because I don't know what a majority of the buttons are)!

    And ummm… I am pretty sure the background just changed. Am I imagining things? O.o

    • HAHA YAY! And I did take note of your feature strategy. It’s pretty convenient, works just like my indices ๐Ÿ˜€ Yep, that post of yours was a total lifesaver Asti XD Yeah, Powerpoint for images is so easy. I just use shapes then copy paste images from Goodreads, mostly. HAHA! And yes, the background changed. I know people loved my colorful birds, but it was a premade background that didn’t match with the color scheme. I tried making my own, and it looks fine to me XD I should probably ask around if the blog looks weird now D:

      • Haha, I didn’t think it looked weird at all! I like it! It just sort of caught me off guard. Like, I went through my feed reader and opened a bunch of blog posts I wanted to comment on. Then when I got to yours I clicked on the post so I could comment and it suddenly changed! My brain was just confused haha. But no, I like it!

      • Oh, I see ๐Ÿ˜€ Yeah, people have just been telling me about it too. I guess I’m just not one of those people who go on quick hiatuses for redesigning. I do it live, so it surprises people. HAHA! And that was quick fix, anyway, though making the pattern was a bit tricky. But I’m glad you and the other guys like it ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I find Photoshop very difficult to use. I used to use Paint Shop Pro (years ago) and it was much easier, but I don’t have it anymore. I still wasn’t great at it, but I knew my way around. Maybe I struggle with Photoshop because of the differences. I saw someone else mention PicMonkey. I’m going to look into that and see if it’s easier for me.

    • Oh, really? Well then, I’m gonna have to take some more time to learn it then, if I’m still bent on doing so in the future ๐Ÿ˜€ But yeah, Picmonkey is great and easy to use. It basically has everything laid out for you in a sidebar! ๐Ÿ™‚

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