Top Ten Tuesdays: Anticipated Sequels


This is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke And The Bookish 🙂

CONFESSION BEAR: I suck at keeping up with series. I follow oodles, yet I’ve only ever gotten to finish a sporadic amount of them. However, I am eagerly anticipating a few titles for the next year, and would very much love to share them with you!

And if you have the time, tell me which series you’d recommend! (Yes, I’m stirring up more trouble for my uncomprehending brain). Happy reading 😉


Immediately Needed

sequels to some of my favorite titles


1.       Ignite Me (Tahereh Mafi)

Looking forward to:

–          Warner VS Adam

–          Chapter 62 on repeat

–          Omega Point VS The Reestablishment


2.       Isla And The Happily Ever After (Stephanie Perkins)

Looking forward to:

–          JOSH.

–          Romance in Manhattan

–          Anna and Etienne + Lola and Cricket


3.       Split Second (Kasie West)

Looking forward to:

–          The effects of Addie’s ability and her search for memories

–          Addie + Trevor and Laila + Connor

–          The friendship forged between Addie And Laila



Out Of Curiosity

sequels to books I didn’t love as much


1.       Her Dark Curiosity (Megan Shepherd)

Looking forward to:

–          A modern retelling of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

–          Resolution to the cliffhanger

–          A hopefully better version of Juliet


2.       The One (Kiera Cass)

Looking forward to:

–          Finding out if America IS The One

–          Actions against the rebels and the king

–          Maxon VS Aspen



In Advanced

sequels to sequels I haven’t read


1.       Into The Still Blue (Veronica Rossi)

Progress Report: Just started Through The Ever Night. YAAAY.

2.       The Fiery Heart (Richelle Mead)

Progress Report: Halfway through Bloodlines… I know, I know, make it quick.

3.       Dreams Of Gods And Monsters (Laini Taylor)

Progress Report: Finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Haha STILL progress.

4.       The Retribution Of Mara Dyer (Michelle Hodkins)

Progress Report: Currently looking for a copy of the all-elusive Evolution.

5.       Cress (Marissa Meyer)

Progress Report: Finished Cinder, keep putting off Scarlet. For some tragic reason.



Recommend a Title!


And because I am seeking to add to my already massive pile of unread series, help me out by telling me which book you think I should read next!

So what do you think? If you have any opinions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to comment and tell me!


43 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesdays: Anticipated Sequels

  1. Okay, seriously, WHAT IS IT WITH THE CHAPTER 62? I haven’t read the series yet, and you guys are killing me with that! And lol, I like how you’ve divided the topic this week – Out of Curiosity and Sequels to Sequels I Haven’t Read. I had both of those kinds of books too, but I didn’t think to add them 🙂

    I gave Sweet Evil a try and it was so blah I gave up on the series entirely 😦 Still curious about it, though. I haven’t read the rest either, but I’ve heard Throne of Glass, Born of Illusion and Mila 2.0 are really good. I’m gonna get to them soon! Maybe we can buddy read 😀

    I needn’t have to tell you about City of Bones, right? 😉 Oh, and I’ve heard good stuff about Angelfall too! Okay, I just told you to read basically everything on your list. Man, am I bad at recs! *facepalm*

    Okay, and this is totally unrelated (& my comment is becoming WAY too long), but I LOVED your HP survey! I came across it yesterday, and it’s genius! 😀

    • HAHAHA well you’ll just have to read and find out won’t you 😉 (I am totally trying to get you to read it XD) I hope you love the book though! And thanks, it’s just that I’d have like, a top 3 if I didn’t divide it that way– I am horrible at keeping up with series D:

      And YES to buddy reading!! I’m looking forward to Throne of Glass the most, but all of these are definitely up my alley, and yours! I completely understand recommending them all. Haha! I love Cassie Clare’s books too, and I think that I’ll just bury myself in a pile of TMI books during the breaks :>

      World After is out soon and I haven’t read Angelfall! We have to catch up somehow XD

      And I am so honored and happy and giddy that you liked the HP Survey! The magic lives on doesn’t it? I hope you participate when you get the time. And thanks for stopping by too ❤

  2. I have to read Scarlet before I read Cress, but I loved Cinder so I’m sure I’ll like the other books in the series. I also have the first two Laini Taylor books as well! 🙂 I’m curious about the Mara Dyer books so I may have to check them out too.

    • Yeah, my thoughts exactly! The Lunar Chronicles can do no wrong XD I am DYING to read Days of Blood and Starlight!! And Mara Dyer is pretty good, but I’m falling behind. So yeah, there’s a lot to look forward to 🙂

    • Thank you so much ❤ HAHA yeah I totally feel you– it's as if I need an entire month dedicated to reading to catch up with everything XD Split Second sounds so good, doesn't it? 🙂 And thank you for the recommendation~

  3. Well you’re more on track than I am with series – I haven’t even started any of the ones in your list except Bloodlines. Hopefully I can start some of them over my Summer break 😀
    I think you should read Angelfall and TMI, just because they’re so big, and I want to see what you think! Other than those two, I haven’t read any of the series in the recommendations pile, either. I mean it when I say I am behind on many an awesome series D:
    OH WAIT, I have read Anna and the French Kiss, but about four years ago or something, and I remember not being as in love with it as everyone who is reading it now! Maybe I should re-read it….

    • HAHA I used to prefer series, but now that I think about it, a lot of stand-alones have been receiving the better reviews lately :O And thanks for the recommendation, Chiara! 😀 I am DEFINITELY planning to read both, when I get the time 🙂 I think you should reread Anna when you get the chance, but I still think that Lola was the better book. I still can’t wait to read Isla though! 🙂

      • Yeah, I’m keen on the standalones at the moment, too. No waiting! No pain! Haha 😛
        That’s okay! Woohoo 😀
        Yeah, I think I should read it again, too. I want to see what I think of it now, because it was a few years ago. Ooo – I shall look forward to reading Lola then, if it’s your favourite!

      • HAHAHA oh it’s definitely the waiting part that’s the worst. And then just when they release the next book, you realize you don’t remember what happened before it– so you have to do a reread XD HAHA! Maybe Anna’s story will change in your eyes or something 😀 And I look forward to your review of Lola, if ever! 🙂 I’ve actually never seen or known you to read Contemporary… WOAH XD

      • YES MY FEELINGS EXACTLY. I have a terrible memory when it comes to series, so if it’s one I love, I usually have to submit to the re-read.
        I shall endeavour to read it this summer, but I have a heap of other books I want to read, so we will have to see if it eventuates!
        Ermagerd. Totally! I only have about three in my review list, haha. I just love my fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian. They make me happy 😀

      • HAHAHA RIGHT?! I have a terrible memory when it comes to books in general– The only thing I usually remember is whether or not I liked them, and after that the rest comes in a haze XD It will happen– and then I shall look forward to your thoughts 😉 I think I’m more of a Fantasy / Dystopian reader too! Lately though, I’ve been loving a lot of contemporary books 😀

      • Totally! Or I’ll remember in tidibits during the most recent book, or after it. -.- I get so confused when I don’t re-read, but then re-reading takes time away from new reading and its all so hard, Jasmine! D:
        I have a contemporary book or two coming up for review soon! I got them from authors and they look really good 😀
        Fantasy and dystopian are just amazing. They take me to new worlds, and it’s just awesome.

  4. I am waiting for practically every single one of these books too! Though The Retribution of Mara Dyer is at the top of that list. It was scheduled to come out back in October, but now it’s not until June. *sobs*

    Ignite Me is a close second. *grabby hands* I need this story. Waaaaaaaannnnnt.

    I want Her Dark Curiosity, too. I really liked the feel of the first book and I want a resolution as well. I am looking forward to the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aspect since I have only ever come across one other book that is a retelling of that story.

    • HAHAHA yay! You are very welcome to share in my feels 😉 GOSH I need to read The Evolution of Mara Dyer soon– I don’t see a copy of it in any bookstore, which is just SAD 😦 But Ignite Me is definitely on top of my list! I didn’t like The Madman’s Daughter all that much, but I love retellings, and am curious as to how Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will play out in Her Dark Curiosity. Thanks for stopping by, Arial!


    Okay I’m done. *deep breath* Read the freakin’ book Jasmine. Read it.

    And I liked your “In Advance” section – I needed one of those too 😉 I haven’t read Unravel Me, but I’m already excited for Ignite Me. The same goes for Cress! I actually just got Scarlet, so I might read that one soon too 🙂

    • HAHAHA this enthusiasm encourages me loads and loads :> Raffe sounds like someone right up my alley (Because Kenji sure as hell hit the spot). HAHA you have got to read Unravel Me, and yeah, we should read Scarlet together, so we can fangirl about Cress together too XD

  6. I keep putting off Scarlet too..,for some weird reason! Haha your advance section is great though, I have so many of those! As far as rec’s I’d say you should read Throne of Glass, Born Wicked, or Half-Blood next! Why? Because I have ALL of those to read yet haha! If you’re down, I’d be up to buddy reading any of those three 🙂 I have all of them I just need to start…lol
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! New follower 🙂

    • HAHA yeahhh it’s not that Scarlet isn’t interesting, and it’s not that it gets mediocre reviews. I just really ADORED Cinder and I wouldn’t wanna feel a different way about Scarlet :O But if I need to go there to get to Cress… hells yeah I am reading it! And thank you for all the recommendations And thank you for the follow as well 😀

  7. You have a great list here! I love that your reasoning for looking forward to Ignite Me is “Chapter 62 on repeat” LOL! Love it!

    Definitely read Angelfall, Throne of Glass and Born Wicked! Throne of Glass being my number one choice of the three because of Chaol! LOVE HIM!

    • HAHAHA thank you!! And yeah, that’s what Tahereh Mafi said so herself, about chapter 62 being every chapter in Ignite Me XD she was probably just teasing readers, but I am secretly hoping for some truth to that, somehow 😀 YAAAAY thank you for the recommendations! Throne of Glass seems like one of the top choices 😀

  8. I’m actually done with Anna And The French Kiss (thanks to you, LOL!), and definitely, I’ll be wanting to read Stephanie Perkin’s other works 😀 They all seem so enticing to fill my craving for romance, heh.
    And Ignite Me. YESSSSSSS. I desperately want to know how it’s all going to end. THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE….
    Speaking of Apocalypses, you HAVE to read Angelfall. NOW. Drop everything and just barrel your way through it!!! It is THAT good. RAFFE xD You have him coming your way!!! I pretty much hate The Selection, but I’m curious too, about how it will end. That’s probably the only reason I will read it, and maybe to have a laugh or snort or two. I should really stop now ><
    I'm reading Into The Still Blue, and it is GOOD. ZOMG. ROAR. But anyway..
    Thanks for sharing, Jasmine! I love all your picks!! 😀

    • YEEEES!! I am glad to have successfully made a recommendation ❤ Ignite Me is by far my most anticipated sequel. If it isn't good, shit will be flipped. HAHA. And yeah, I'm currently hunting down a copy of Angelfall. Raffe sounds amazing 🙂 Thank you for stopping by Emily!

  9. THRONE OF GLASS! Read Throne of Glass! Oh my goodness I can’t even express all my feels for this book. It is AH-MAZING! Seriously read it.
    If you like books with kick ass heroines, fantasy & magic then you’ll love this book!

    Cress sounds sooo good. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series but I’m thinking I might. Oh and I really want to read Ignite Me as well. I haven’t finished the second book but I loved the first one so I know I’ll love the third. Great list. I horrible at keeping up with series too.

    p.s. Read Throne of Glass!

    • THANK YOU for the recommended read! I am definitely looking forward to reading Throne of Glass now 😀 And yeahp, I pretty much like everything you just listed down XD Cress SHOULD be good, because the author is GENIUS. I hope you get to read Unravel Me! I loved that one way better than I did Shatter Me 🙂

      HAHA yeah guess I’m not the only one finding it hard to keep up! And sure, I will 😉

  10. Ah, you have a lot of great books on your list! I can’t wait to read Isla, and gonna need that as soon as it is released! I hope you get to Cress and The Fiery Heart soon, because these series are just amazing!
    I would definitely recommend Angelfall and Half-Blood. They are both some of my favorite books, and they are filled with humor, action and awesome 🙂
    Thanks for visting my TTT!

    • Yeahp, if you’re up for buddy reading Isla, then lets! 😀 I need someone to fangirl with XD Yes, I am resolved to finishing those series. And thank you for the recommendations 🙂

  11. Shatter Me, Pivot Point and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone are series starters that I am really desperate to read. The One I am sort of looking forward too, The Selection is kind of a guilty pleasure I guess, in the sense of I read it and enjoyed it and The Elite but I don’t quite know why!

    Great list, as for recommendations I am not sure where to really start! I recently loved Alienated, if you haven’t read it I would really recommend. My TTT.

    • Oh definitely read all three of those! (And in that order would be fabulous). HAHA! The Selection is SUCH a guilty pleasure! But still, I wanna know what happens to them XD And thanks for the recommendation! 🙂

  12. I don’t think that I will ever read The rest of the Bloodlines books- I read the first one and wasn’t all that impressed (maybe because I didn’t read the VA books). I have heard a lot of good things about Let the Sky Fall- so I’d recommend that one (although I haven’t read it).

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